Local Community Services
999 | Emergencies only where an immediate response is required, a crime is in progress or people are injured, being threatened or in danger. Please use 999 to report those taking or dealing drugs. |
101 | All other reports of disturbances of all kinds. |
Online: www.sussex.police.uk/reportonline
Twitter: @BtonHovePolice
Please always report anything that concerns you to FBST so that we can record incidents for future LAT meetings. Email us at: info@friendsofbrunswick.co.uk
PCSOs and their team leaders are now based at Hove Town Hall
PCSO patrol shifts in our area are currently undertaken by Sophie Hughes.
Email when on duty: Sophie.Hughes@sussex.police.uk
Council - rubbish/recycling/flytipping
The Council has a dedicated web page for reporting issues relating to non or missed collection of both rubbish and recycling. Please request the Council to attend for overflowing bins here:
This link can also be used to report fly tipping or dumping of waste.
There is also a Council hotline for reporting flytippers and flytipping 01273 295063.
Brunswick & Adelaide Local Action Team
Members of FBST attend our Local Action Team meetings which are chaired by our local councillors and attended by our PCSOs and other invited guests. The meetings occur every three months at The Cornerstone Community Centre. Any local residents are welcome to attend. The LAT seeks to discuss and address local issues affecting the ward.
Ward Councillors:
Brunswick Town Association
The FBST is a member of the Brunswick Town Association (BTA). The BTA is a quarterly meeting of the chairs and other representatives of the Residents’ Associations within Brunswick Town, to discuss issues of mutual interest and concern and to lobby the Council and other bodies as one entity.
Local Events
The Brighton & Hove Council keep a list of major outdoor events that are taking place in Brighton & Hove each year. This list isn’t exhaustive as the events programme is continually changing.
Events List link (external site)
You can also look at the Council Events Diary for dates or contact the Councils Events Office for a more detailed events list. The city hosts over 400 outdoor events each year.